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Crazy in Luv' (March - June 2024 news)

Photo du rédacteur: Ralph RuizRalph Ruiz

Photo courtesy of © Official Luv' Fan Page and José Hoebee Fan Page (Facebook)

Here's the latest news in Luv' land:

  • Marga's opinion on AI in Weekend (March 27th)

In the March 27th issue of Weekend magazine, Marga Scheide was part of a panel of celebrities who discussed artificial intelligence. "Everyone is going to have to deal with it. It cannot be stopped anymore. I'm not afraid of it because it's already happened. I would take immediate action. Although it is good technology, it's sometimes not nice," Marga said.

  • José's intimate lunch with fans for her birthday (March 30th)

On March 29th, José Hoebee celebrated her birthday. One day later, the former Luv' singer had an intimate lunch with fans and friends at the Ambacht café-restaurant in Best, the Netherlands.

Pierre Brouwers, Jos Theuns, Peter Pommelet, Michael Verkooyen, José Hoebee and Marco Rens

Credits: Marco Rens - Jos Theuns

  • Marga & friends (March 31st)

On March 31st, Marga Scheide spent a good time with her dear friends Ger Valkenburg and Dyon Hagenaars (of DC Models) in Breda, the Netherlands.

Ger Valkenburg, Marga Scheide & Dyon Hagenaars

Photo credit: Marga Scheide, Dyon Hagenaars

  • A photo of José and Marga provokes curiosity among fans and gossip columnists (April 23rd) - Luv' on Shownieuws (April 24th)

On April 23rd, José Hoebee and Marga Scheide had a nice dinner in 's-Hertogenbosch

with their former tour manager, David Hay Gibson, and Brigitte Vis (director of Jan Vis Entertainment, who was in charge of Luv's bookings in their final years). A beautiful photo of this moment was posted on the Official Luv' Facebook page.

José Hoebee, Brigitte Vis, David Hay Gibson and Marga Scheide

Photo credit: Official Luv' Facebook Page

This picture caused curiosity online, and on the following day, April 24th, SBS6's infotainment news program "Shownieuws" featured an item about it. Showbiz expert Bart Ettekoven discussed this issue: "Due to Patty's series, Luv' are in the spotlight again. In this picture of a pleasant meal, you can see Marga and José sitting in the front with manager David and someone from a booking agency. It raises questions. Are there plans for a reunion? Why is Patty not present? Patty is in Ibiza, which explains why she could not come. Patty invited Marga and José to the premiere of her series, but they didn't come. We got in touch with Marga. Long story short: there won't be a reunion".

  • José in Story: "I don't believe in a cure" (May 1st)

The May 1st issue of Story magazine features an article about José Hoebee. Click here to read an excerpt online. The songstress has been very sick for five years, which caused Luv' to disband in early 2020. She feels so much pain in her mouth that she can only eat pureed food. However, she is considering writing a book about her adventures with Luv' after the success of Patty Brard's series on Videoland.

"Many people ask me why I don't put my adventures with Luv' on paper. Then I say to myself: "Why not?" Because I can write quite well. I have always enjoyed writing. On the other hand, I wonder if people want to read it. But if you see that a photo of Marga and me on Facebook leads to speculation about Luv's comeback, it means that the public is still interested in us. I'm going to consider it. It's going to be a different story than Patty's series. I watched the first episode on RTL 4 and was done with it. I haven't seen the rest," José says.

She doubts that writing this book will be a distraction from her pain. José has had such excruciating ache in her mouth that she can no longer eat solid food. After the death of her husband, record producer Will Hoebee, in 2012, her grief was immense, and she developed a tic. "I suck my lips through my teeth. Unfortunately, the inside of my mouth is so swollen that I have pain when eating. And it also hurts when I talk. I can only eat liquid, and my dietician gives me special drinks to ensure I get all the nutrients. I also puree everything into the smoothie. I have given up hope that it will ever go away. I now have to live with the fact that this will continue. I am in contact with Marga Scheide every day. We call or text. And fortunately, I have many friends who regularly come to visit me. We always go out for a drink or dinner. I miss my dog ​​Toontje very much. I walked with him a few times a day. But he passed away two years ago. When I come home, I am alone. Another dog is not an option for me. I'm 70 and don't want a dog to outlive me," José explains.

The Dutch media news website "MediaCourant" posted an article about José's problems, following Story's publication. Click here to read it.

  • New Luv' Dolls (May 12th)

On May 12, Cw Miniaturen Dolls posted on Facebook pictures of Luv' dolls wearing their extravagant costumes during De Toppers' show in 2006.

Cw Miniaturen Dolls previously produced other Luv' dolls wearing iconic outfits.

  • Rerun of Musikladen featuring Luv' (June 8th)

Photo of Luv' performing My Number One on Musikladen in Bravo Magazine (1980)

Edited by Marco Rens

German channel NDR will rerun Musikladen's November 13th, 1980 episode featuring "My Number One" by Luv' on June 8th between 12:30 am and 1:15 am.

Source: Facebook (Official Luv', José Hoebee Fan Page, Marga Scheide, CW Miniaturen Dolls, German-Dutch fan page), Marco Rens, Jos Theuns, Weekend, Story...

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